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“Then She Was Gone PDF” is a gripping psychological thriller by Lisa Jewell that has captivated readers worldwide. This haunting tale delves into the mysteries of a young girl’s disappearance and the subsequent unraveling of her family. Lisa Jewell, a celebrated author known for her compelling characters and intricate plots, weaves a narrative that is both heart-wrenching and suspenseful.

Name of PDFThen She Was Gone
 No Pages308
AuthorLisa Jewell
Originally PublishedJuly 27, 2017
 GenresHistorical Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, 
Psychological Fiction, Domestic Fiction
 Size1.53 MB
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Then She Was Gone PDF 3

Plot Summary

The story centers around Laurel Mack, a mother devastated by the disappearance of her fifteen-year-old daughter, Ellie. Ten years later, Laurel is still haunted by Ellie’s absence when she meets a charming man named Floyd. As Laurel begins to build a new life with Floyd, she is introduced to his nine-year-old daughter, Poppy, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ellie. This discovery sets off a chain of events that leads Laurel to uncover the truth about Ellie’s fate.


Main Characters

  • Laurel Mack is the protagonist, struggling with the loss of her daughter and seeking closure.
  • Ellie Mack: is the missing daughter, whose story is revealed through flashbacks.
  • Floyd Dunn: is a charismatic man who enters Laurel’s life and has a mysterious past.
  • Poppy is Floyd’s daughter, who eerily resembles Ellie and plays a crucial role in unraveling the mystery.

Character Development

Jewell expertly develops her characters, particularly Laurel, whose journey from despair to hope and determination is poignantly portrayed. Floyd’s enigmatic nature keeps readers guessing about his true intentions, adding depth to his character.


Loss and Grief

At its core, “Then She Was Gone” explores the profound impact of loss and grief on a family. Laurel’s inability to move on from Ellie’s disappearance is a central theme, reflecting the enduring pain of a lost loved one.

Family Dynamics

The novel delves into the complexities of family relationships, highlighting the strain that trauma can place on these bonds. Laurel’s relationships with her other children and her ex-husband illustrate the fractures caused by Ellie’s absence.

Psychological Impact

Jewell delves into the psychological effects of tragedy, portraying how each character copes with their trauma. This theme is explored through Laurel’s obsessive need for answers and Floyd’s hidden past.


The story is set in modern-day London, with flashbacks to the time of Ellie’s disappearance. The urban setting provides a stark contrast to the intimate, often claustrophobic, emotional world of the characters. Jewell uses the setting to enhance the story’s tension, grounding the reader in a familiar yet unsettling environment.

Writing Style

Lisa Jewell’s writing style is both accessible and evocative. She uses a third-person narrative interspersed with first-person flashbacks from Ellie’s perspective, creating a multi-layered storytelling approach. Her language is straightforward yet poignant, drawing readers deeply into the emotional landscape of the characters.

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Symbolism and Metaphors

Key Symbols

  • Ellie’s Belongings: Items from Ellie’s past symbolize the enduring connection between Laurel and her missing daughter.
  • Poppy’s Resemblance to Ellie: Poppy’s likeness to Ellie serves as a metaphor for unresolved grief and the lingering presence of the past.

Their Significance

These symbols underscore the themes of loss and memory, emphasizing how the past continues to shape the present. They also serve to heighten the novel’s suspense, as each clue about Ellie’s disappearance brings Laurel closer to the truth.

Author’s Intentions

Lisa Jewell aims to explore the depths of human emotion, particularly the facets of grief and hope. She succeeds in creating a narrative that is both a compelling mystery and a profound exploration of a mother’s love and loss. The intricate plot and well-developed characters ensure that the reader is fully engaged from beginning to end.

Critical Reception

“Then She Was Gone” has received widespread acclaim for its suspenseful plot and emotional depth. Critics have praised Jewell for her ability to craft a thriller that is both heart-pounding and heart-wrenching. The book’s compelling characters and unexpected twists have made it a favorite among fans of psychological thrillers.

Comparisons to Other Works

Similar Books or Authors

Jewell’s novel can be compared to works by authors like Gillian Flynn and Paula Hawkins, who also write psychological thrillers with strong emotional undercurrents. However, Jewell’s focus on family dynamics sets her work apart, providing a unique take on the genre.

Unique Aspects of “Then She Was Gone PDF”

What distinguishes “Then She Was Gone” is its blend of suspense and emotional resonance. Jewell’s ability to weave a deeply personal story into a broader mystery makes this novel stand out in a crowded genre.

Impact on Readers

Readers of “Then She Was Gone” often report being deeply moved by the story. The novel prompts reflection on personal loss and the ways people cope with grief. Its thought-provoking narrative encourages readers to consider the lengths they might go to uncover the truth and find closure.

Quotes Analysis

Notable Quotes

  1. “But she had to keep looking. Had to keep hoping.”
    • This quote encapsulates Laurel’s relentless quest for answers and her enduring hope.
  2. “She realized that if you are lucky enough to find someone who really gets you, it’s worth hanging on to.”
    • Reflects the importance of meaningful relationships in healing from trauma.

Their Meaning and Impact

These quotes highlight key themes of perseverance and the importance of human connection. They resonate deeply with readers, emphasizing the emotional truths at the heart of the story.

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Conclusion: Then She Was Gone PDF

“Then She Was Gone” is a masterful blend of psychological suspense and emotional depth. Lisa Jewell crafts a narrative that is as compelling as it is poignant, leaving readers both satisfied and profoundly moved. Through its intricate plot and rich character development, the novel offers a profound exploration of loss, hope, and the enduring bonds of family.

FAQs about Then She Was Gone PDF

Is “Then She Was Gone” based on a true story?

No, the novel is a work of fiction, though it deals with realistic themes of loss and grief.

What genre does “Then She Was Gone” fall into?

The book is primarily a psychological thriller with elements of mystery and drama.

How does the book handle the theme of grief?

The novel explores grief through the experiences of its characters, particularly Laurel, showcasing the long-lasting impact of losing a loved one.

Are there any major twists in the story?

Yes, the novel is known for its unexpected twists and revelations that keep readers engaged until the end.

Would this book be suitable for a book club discussion?

Absolutely. Its complex characters, emotional themes, and suspenseful plot make it a great choice for discussion.

Is “Then She Was Gone” worth reading?

A must read for sure

How did Ellie get pregnant in Then She Was Gone?

using sperm from a donor

What is the summary, and then she was gone?

follows the story of a mother trying to uncover the truth behind her daughter’s disappearance

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